
Plánujete dálkové vytápění?

Pozvánka na absolvování speciálního kursu pro zástupce municipalit na naplánování dálkového vytápění a chlazení na OZE v Rotterdamu, 4.- 5. 6. 2024.

Zde je více informací:

On behalf of Euroheat & Power, we would like to share with you the following (free) opportunity that might be interesting for cities and municipalities that are part of Bankwatch's network.Exclusive Crash Course for Cities (Rotterdam, 4-5 June 2024):
Attend our exclusive Crash Course for Cities, running in parallel to the Euroheat & Power Congress. This free two-day training program is specially tailored for local authorities and municipality representatives wishing to develop sustainable district heating and cooling! The first edition of this DHC Crash Course will be conducted in English. With practical tracks tailored to specific city's needs, they can learn all about municipal energy planning, integrating alternative sources, conducting refurbishment/expansion, engaging with citizens and mobilising the necessary financing, while connecting with their peers from cities all over Europe.
To secure a spot, local authorities should register for the Congress selecting the special ticket "Crash Course for Cities." Only 50 local authority representatives will have access to this exclusive opportunity, 1 person per city will be accepted.


Vstup je zdarma (v registračním formuláři je třeba sjet úplně dolů na "Crash Course"), v případě se obracejte na organizátora:

Jana Pospisilova Maussen

Projektová manažerka / Project Manager

Centrum pro dopravu a energetiku / Centre for Transport and Energy

W: www.cde-org.cz

E: jana.pospisilova@cde-org.cz


Ing. Alexandra Kocková, tiskový zástupce SMO ČR