
Pozvánka na unikátní webinář

Rádi bychom pozvali relevantní zástupce měst na unikátní webinář Sharing Cities Workshop: Integrated Smart Streetlighting for Resilient Cities, který se koná 20. dubna 10:00 - 12:00 hod. Bude se skládat z tématické prezentace a workshopu v anglickém jazyce. Účast je zdarma.

Projekt byl připraven pro města v regionu CEE ve spolupráci s Sharing Cities Platform a partnerů dále. Vybraná města dostanou možnost spolupracovat se Sharing Cities Platform a získají přístup k jejich materiálům.

Zde jsou detaily webináře v anglickém jazyce:

Sharing Cities Workshop Series: Integrated Smart Streetlighting for Resilient Cities - 20 April

Provided to us by the Sharing Cities Platform (https://www.sharingcities.eu/ ) and Greater London Authority and partner cities (Milan, Bordeaux, Lisbon, Bordeaux and Warsaw). This will be the first of a series of several useful workshops in 2021. This session will feature international use cases for smart lampposts, and their potential applications in Covid-19 recovery programmes. Presentations will be followed by an interactive workshop led by Sharing Cities for representatives looking to develop and roll out smart lampposts in their city.


10:00-11:00, Part One

- Sharing Cities programme overview - City of Milan experience

- City of Bordeaux experience - Business Models & Finance

This session will be introduced by Her Majesty’s Trade Commissioner for Europe, Ilaria Regondi, with closing remarks from Georg Houben, Policy Officer, European Commission Smart Cities Marketplace and Smart Cities Information System (SCIS).

[Short Break]


11:00-12:00, Part Two

An interactive workshop led by Graham Colclough, Business Models & Financing Lead for Sharing Cities and UrbanDNA Founding Partner.


Conditions of participation:

Our hope is that by joining this interactive workshop, cities will take a keen interest in collaborating with Sharing Cities to challenge, test, improve, adopt/adapt the solutions that the Programme has implemented. In doing so, cities agree to share their future investment and development plans for these (Sharing Cities) solutions, to support Sharing Cities’ objective to demonstrate scale adoption in the market. In exchange, cities will receive access to the Programme’s playbooks and toolkits as well as support from experts on an ad-hoc and best efforts basis.


Next Sharing Cities Workshop: New Mobility Models/Mobility Islands (date to be announced soon)

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