ONLINE STREAM: Perspective and transfers of transformation experience in relation to resilience of local governments
The Union of Towns and Municipalities of the Czech Republic organised an international conference aimed at transfer of experience from EU towards municipalities within the Eastern Partnership countries. The conference will focus on crisis management, reconstruction of Ukraine or energy self-sufficiency. WATCH THE CONFERENCE RECORDING
Conference: Perspective and transfers of transformation experience in relation to resilience of local governments
The conference represented one of the key activities of the SMOCR project „Resilient Local Government and Public Administration in Eastern Partnership Countries. The aim of the project was to identify conditions for effective and resilient self-government and to transfer Czech and European experience towards the Eastern Partnership countries (Moldova, Ukraine, Georgia).
WHEN: 4th November 2022, 8:30 a.m. – 16:30 p.m.
The conference offered:
- Possibility to meet foreign guests, Czech local representatives and experts
- Focus on crisis management, reconstruction of Ukraine, energy self-sufficiency or decentralisation
- Speakers: Mayor of Bucha Mr. Anatolyi Fedoruk or Deputy Mayor of Lvov Mrs. Irina Maruniak and many others
- Detailed programme of the conference
Barbora Láníčková, Sekce regionálního rozvoje a zahraničních vztahů SMO ČR